I constantly try to further myself, better myself, improve. The main way I do this is by learning - mostly through reading magazine and newspaper articles and watching documentries and other factual tv. Much of this effort simply fills my brain up with useless, all be it interesting, infomation ( which i am rarley able to remember when it would actually be useful!) However in the crazy world of endless media, blogging and lifestyle web content there are 1000's of so called lifehacks - shortcuts or fabulous solutions to common issues. These often take the form of lists, am i do love a good list, and are rarely original. But in every list there may be one or two descent ideas which i store alongside my useless information.
So after a long round about way that brings me back to the notion of bettering myself. I am a creative person, an artist and designer. My job is to create. However i want to get better at it, to keep getting better at it. So i have started a couple daily routines as suggested by a few lifehack lists.
First is to write some thing each day, preferably in the morning - this is essencially a brain warm up. I writ a page of my note book about anything and nothing and at the bottom I record the time and date. Today I wrote about a shark named Joe with an E.
Secondly is to draw at least one sketch each day in one of my sketch books. This might sound like something i should already be doing as an artist but I have always done things in fits and bursts. Again i will sketch anything and nothing - a made up poster, a phone box, an elaborate doodle. And again i will record the time and date on the bottom.
I feel positive about these 2 exercises, although only a fews days in. But in the past i have always like a reason or purpose to draw a sketch or write. This though is its own purpose. The creative juices are flowing :)