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Royal High Primary Commowealth Mural
2014 painted to celebrate the glasgow games

The Gilmerton PlayBox
30x8 ft mural on a shipping container Painted in gloss paint, Feb.2013 The PlayBox is a new play project by Working On Wheels which will combine a childrens play space and a scrap store inside the container.

Beautiful Edinburgh
20x8ft mural for the Blue Bear Cafe, Cannonmills, Edinburgh 2013

Outdoor mural - 2011 14x9ft Painted outside on the Edinburgh Brewdog Bar

Dancing Feet
Painted for the 2011 Audio Soup Festival Spray paint and emulsion 8x4ft

Red Road
Winning Design "Street Summer" Competion - Channel 4/Don't Pannic 2011 Argyle street , Glasgow

Throw Caution to The Wind
15x20ft emulsion paint Painted for The TAA event in Granton,Edinburgh
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